Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Revolution 2012

The paramount choice for humanity is the extent to which we individually change and adapt to the new realities in each remaining year up to 2012, including our re-integration of the Divine Feminine into all aspects of society. This new Spiritual reality of a true balance between Divine Feminine and Masculine enables the essence of Feminine Spirituality to penetrate all aspects of Human society, bringing to prominence the qualities of nurturing, the receptive, the creative, the all-encompassing, the ongoingness of life, the high valuation set on depth of insight and truth. This can open the door to a consistent State of Grace permeating all aspects of a person's life, but it is up to each individual to consciously open that door and step through it.

Each of us depends critically on the flow of Spiritual Light through our beings for the very sustenance of life in our physical bodies. As the wavelengths become more and more refined , there is less and less life support for individuals in traditional third dimensional modes of living. This seemingly harsh reality lends considerable urgency to the need to attune at a Heart level to the evolutionary requirements of this Spiritual Design, through the Winter Solstice 2012. After this point, there will be no Spiritual life-support for individuals without Fifth Dimensional consciousness. Staying on the Earth will no longer be a viable option for them. Their evolutionary path will naturally take them to new lives on other planets in the Universe which are still at third or fourth dimensional levels. There they will find a new home which matches their current vibrational and evolutionary needs.

This is truly a wake-up call so that all of us, who love the Earth and wish to stay onboard, can complete the necessary inner work of Attunement with Fifth Dimensional consciousness and the release of prior karmic patterns. The good news is that there is , and will continue to be, much support available for individuals learning to function at these higher levels of consciousness. The opening of the Heart Centre, coupled with a strong inner commitment, will be an essential step for individuals to Attune with and tangibly live these higher vibrational realities. The explicit re-admittance of the Divine Feminine to a full participation in all humanity's activities and realities will be a critical element in the softening of all aspects of Earthly life. If one knows the broad outline and general direction of the changes, one can more readily place the unfolding events in a meaningful context. Preparations can be made for riding the evolutionary wave instead of being submerged by it. Plans can be altered thoughtfully in measured response to various manifestations of Nature's events.


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