Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Master Kuthumi (KH) : 2012

KH's Illustrated Red Letters (and a recent update) that survival of the physical events of 2012 is a matter of personal choice, because the necessary warnings, organisation, and the knowledge of how to survive and thrive will all be in place. Although the consequences of the Earth returning to a near vertical angle of inclination and the Moon taking up a new orbit around the equator will be vast in terms of water movement, human survival will be dependent upon focused group endeavour in designated relatively safe areas. Co-operation will be the centerpiece of consciousness, where now self-centredness tends to predominate.

KH continues: "To all whom now face 2012 with understandable trepidation but also, it is to be hoped, with a degree of positivity and a sense of adventure, I say this: remember the power of Love. Just as the Sun draws from the stellar worlds and distributes to the planetary world, so a man with his heart open can draw from the higher realms and distribute to the kingdoms on Earth. He can draw in all that he needs to strengthen his Spirit so that he can form a relationship with this physical world which is one of responsibility, respect and cooperation. Then he will lose his fear of death in his love for life and in the recognition of opportunities and human possibilities. He aligns with the reality that the etheric body of the planet will only accomodate human beings who have an open Heart Centre.


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