Monday, November 16, 2009

Relation between Crystal Skulls and 2012

Crystal Skulls; in the Mystery of the Crystal Skulls, Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas interview North and South American Indians, who claim that there were originally 52 crystal skulls, of which the Maya had 13. They were brought to Earth in the distant past by extra-terrestrials, having been encoded with information from 12 different planetary civilisations.

Morton and Thomas discovered that :

"The whole layout of Teotihuacan was like huge clock-face, centred around the Pyramid of the Sun. The Avenue of the Dead, like one hand of a clock, pointed at where the Pleiades would have set on the Southern horizon on the 12 August 3114 BC, whilst the skull beneath the Pyramid of the Sun - like the other hand of the clock, pointed at the place on the horizon where the Pleiades set today."

They also found that the 3 pyramids of Teotihuacan were a reflection of Orion's belt, just like the Giza pyramids of Egypt. They were told by elders of the Hopi Indian people that the extraterrestrials that brought the crystal skulls were from Sirius, Orion, and the Pleiades; (strangely enough, these are the three most common sources given by channels today). The information is held in the molecular crystal lattice, as in the silicon chips we use today, but can be accessed by consciousness. The Mitchell-Hedges skull was tested by Hewlett-Packard, who could find no tooling marks on it, and concluded that it would have taken 300 man-years to make.

Orion's belt at Giza & Teotihuacan. The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls. C. 1997. Chris Morton & Ceri Louise thomas "Skully" underwater, on the Great Barrier reef. Vicki Cunningham

The belt of Orion at Giza: also at Teotihuacan " Ebmnagine", Elmera's (Vikki Cunningham's) alien-esque crystal skull


"The skulls were kept inside a pyramid in a formation of tremendous power- known as the Ark. The Ark was composed of the 12 skulls from each of the sacred planets kept in a circle, with a thirteenth skull, the largest, placed in the centre of this formation. This thirteenth skull represents the collective consciousness of all the worlds. It connects up the knowledge of all the sacred planets."

Now is the Time of the Warning, also called Time of the Awakening, or Time of the Quickening, which is the transitional period between the end of the 9 Hell Cycles, which ended on 17 August 1987, and the time of the 13 Heavens, which begins "after sunset on 21 December- in the year 2012". The crystal skulls were left here to help us in this time of transition - we must change before 2012, showing love and respect for each other, life, and the planet, or we shall be cleansed from it by cataclysms.

This is from an Aztec Codex, not a Mayan one - the day signs and numbering system are Aztec. The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls. C. 1997. Chris Morton & Ceri Louise Thomas

A section of an Aztec codex showing destruction of previous ages (gods) by a skull-headed Venus god

The modern Mayans are arranging a series of meetings for elders from indigenous tribes of North and South America and other countries, to culminate in a reunion of all the crystal skulls. This will happen at a pre-destined time known only to the Mayan day-keepers.

The Hall of Records; in his 1998 book, The Gods of Eden, Andrew Collins has followed up legends of an undiscovered underground complex at the Giza plateau, and by a study of the much overlooked Edfu Texts, has concluded that the complex takes the form of 12 chambers surrounding a 13th!

The Chambers of First Creation. Gods of Eden. Copyright. 1998. Andrew Collins

Andrew Collins' plan of the probable arrangement of the Chambers of First Creation, based on the Edfu texts and books of the duat.

He calls the complex the Chambers of Creation, and says that in each of the 12 chambers were kept "Iht-relics", and in the central 13th chamber was the "Bnnt-embryo", also known as a "seed", or "egg of creation". The embryo, Collins imagines to be "a large conical-shaped omphalos or ben-ben stone, plausibly a crystal-like structure...", And the Iht-relics, "smaller-, hand-held sacred stones, or crystals..." This is such a similar idea to the ‘Ark’ of the American Indians (see item 25), that it implies a 2012 connection. This connection HAS been made… by Nigel Appleby….

Nigel Appleby simultaneously (but perhaps not as independently as he'd have us believe), came to the same conclusion as Collins, (there has been controversy about Appleby's book, but we need not discuss that here), after studying the Edfu Texts, though he differs in his prediction of the Hall’s location. Since the Giza pyramids correspond to the belt of Orion, if the image of the Orion constellation was superimposed onto the pyramids, the position of Sirius will overlay the Hall of Records. Appleby concluded from his study of the Edfu Texts, that the Hall of Records is a central chamber surrounded by 12 others, and even conjectured that the central chamber contains a small pyramid, as opposed to just a pyramidion, or capstone. Inside should be information concerning the history of mankind, and, says Appleby, crucial information to prepare us for 2012, when he says the “fifth age of man”, will begin.

The Sunday Times, 10/8/97

The plan of Appleby's "Operation Hermes" team, to survey the proposed site, was announced in the Sunday Times, 10/8/97

Appleby has provided the next two items as evidence that it is 2012 that the Hall of Records is to prepare us for.

The Return of Nibiru. Appleby quotes the Washington Post (30/12/83), and Newsweek (13/7/87), that Nibiru (“a heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter”) has been spotted by the IRAS satellite in the direction of Orion and, says Appleby, is due to “become visible to Earth and appear as a new star, sometime between 2012 and 2036 ”. However, it is now near the size of the Earth, since it broke in two, as described in Babylonian myths, (this somewhat contradicts the NASA statement about it being the size of Jupiter!) Thus, any cataclysms as it comes close to Earth again, will be less severe than previous ones. The websites covering Nibiru are many and varied - here are 4 that say it will return in 2012:

Apollonius; Nibiruan Council; Hidden Mysteries; Phoenicians

An Akkadian cylinder seal, showing an extra planet. C. 1996. Alan Alford/Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz Vorderasiatisches Museum Enlargement of akkadian cylinder seal. Adapted from The 12th Planet. C. 1976. Zecharia Sitchin

An Akkadian cylinder depicting the solar system as the Sumerians knew it, including an extra planet - Nibiru.

1= Sun; 2= Mercury; 3= Venus; 4 = Earth; 5 = Moon; 6 = Mars; 7 = Nibiru; 8 = Jupiter; 9 = Saturn; 10 = Pluto (previously a .satellite of Saturn); 11 = Uranus; 12 = Neptune, according to the research of Zecharia Sitchin


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