Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Watch 2012 Movie (Telugu Version)

Title : 2012

Cast: John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Thandie Newton, Oliver Platt, Thomas McCarthy, Woody Harrelson, Danny Glover, Liam James, Morgan Lily, Zlatko Buric, Beatrice Rosen, Jimi Mistry etc

Music: Thomas Wanker

Director: Roland Emmerich

Producers: Roland Emmerich, Harold Kloser

Release date: 13th Nov 2009

Genre : Sci-Fic,Drama,Action

Source : Megavideo

Part 1 :

Part 2 :
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Watch 2012 Movie (English Version)

Title : 2012

Cast: John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Thandie Newton, Oliver Platt, Thomas McCarthy, Woody Harrelson, Danny Glover, Liam James, Morgan Lily, Zlatko Buric, Beatrice Rosen, Jimi Mistry etc

Music: Thomas Wanker

Director: Roland Emmerich

Producers: Roland Emmerich, Harold Kloser

Release date: 13th Nov 2009

Genre : Sci-Fic,Drama,Action

Source 1 : Megavideo

Source 2 :

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Watch 2012 Movie (Hindi Version)


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Relation between Crystal Skulls and 2012

Crystal Skulls; in the Mystery of the Crystal Skulls, Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas interview North and South American Indians, who claim that there were originally 52 crystal skulls, of which the Maya had 13. They were brought to Earth in the distant past by extra-terrestrials, having been encoded with information from 12 different planetary civilisations.

Morton and Thomas discovered that :

"The whole layout of Teotihuacan was like huge clock-face, centred around the Pyramid of the Sun. The Avenue of the Dead, like one hand of a clock, pointed at where the Pleiades would have set on the Southern horizon on the 12 August 3114 BC, whilst the skull beneath the Pyramid of the Sun - like the other hand of the clock, pointed at the place on the horizon where the Pleiades set today."

They also found that the 3 pyramids of Teotihuacan were a reflection of Orion's belt, just like the Giza pyramids of Egypt. They were told by elders of the Hopi Indian people that the extraterrestrials that brought the crystal skulls were from Sirius, Orion, and the Pleiades; (strangely enough, these are the three most common sources given by channels today). The information is held in the molecular crystal lattice, as in the silicon chips we use today, but can be accessed by consciousness. The Mitchell-Hedges skull was tested by Hewlett-Packard, who could find no tooling marks on it, and concluded that it would have taken 300 man-years to make.

Orion's belt at Giza & Teotihuacan. The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls. C. 1997. Chris Morton & Ceri Louise thomas "Skully" underwater, on the Great Barrier reef. Vicki Cunningham

The belt of Orion at Giza: also at Teotihuacan " Ebmnagine", Elmera's (Vikki Cunningham's) alien-esque crystal skull


"The skulls were kept inside a pyramid in a formation of tremendous power- known as the Ark. The Ark was composed of the 12 skulls from each of the sacred planets kept in a circle, with a thirteenth skull, the largest, placed in the centre of this formation. This thirteenth skull represents the collective consciousness of all the worlds. It connects up the knowledge of all the sacred planets."

Now is the Time of the Warning, also called Time of the Awakening, or Time of the Quickening, which is the transitional period between the end of the 9 Hell Cycles, which ended on 17 August 1987, and the time of the 13 Heavens, which begins "after sunset on 21 December- in the year 2012". The crystal skulls were left here to help us in this time of transition - we must change before 2012, showing love and respect for each other, life, and the planet, or we shall be cleansed from it by cataclysms.

This is from an Aztec Codex, not a Mayan one - the day signs and numbering system are Aztec. The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls. C. 1997. Chris Morton & Ceri Louise Thomas

A section of an Aztec codex showing destruction of previous ages (gods) by a skull-headed Venus god

The modern Mayans are arranging a series of meetings for elders from indigenous tribes of North and South America and other countries, to culminate in a reunion of all the crystal skulls. This will happen at a pre-destined time known only to the Mayan day-keepers.

The Hall of Records; in his 1998 book, The Gods of Eden, Andrew Collins has followed up legends of an undiscovered underground complex at the Giza plateau, and by a study of the much overlooked Edfu Texts, has concluded that the complex takes the form of 12 chambers surrounding a 13th!

The Chambers of First Creation. Gods of Eden. Copyright. 1998. Andrew Collins

Andrew Collins' plan of the probable arrangement of the Chambers of First Creation, based on the Edfu texts and books of the duat.

He calls the complex the Chambers of Creation, and says that in each of the 12 chambers were kept "Iht-relics", and in the central 13th chamber was the "Bnnt-embryo", also known as a "seed", or "egg of creation". The embryo, Collins imagines to be "a large conical-shaped omphalos or ben-ben stone, plausibly a crystal-like structure...", And the Iht-relics, "smaller-, hand-held sacred stones, or crystals..." This is such a similar idea to the ‘Ark’ of the American Indians (see item 25), that it implies a 2012 connection. This connection HAS been made… by Nigel Appleby….

Nigel Appleby simultaneously (but perhaps not as independently as he'd have us believe), came to the same conclusion as Collins, (there has been controversy about Appleby's book, but we need not discuss that here), after studying the Edfu Texts, though he differs in his prediction of the Hall’s location. Since the Giza pyramids correspond to the belt of Orion, if the image of the Orion constellation was superimposed onto the pyramids, the position of Sirius will overlay the Hall of Records. Appleby concluded from his study of the Edfu Texts, that the Hall of Records is a central chamber surrounded by 12 others, and even conjectured that the central chamber contains a small pyramid, as opposed to just a pyramidion, or capstone. Inside should be information concerning the history of mankind, and, says Appleby, crucial information to prepare us for 2012, when he says the “fifth age of man”, will begin.

The Sunday Times, 10/8/97

The plan of Appleby's "Operation Hermes" team, to survey the proposed site, was announced in the Sunday Times, 10/8/97

Appleby has provided the next two items as evidence that it is 2012 that the Hall of Records is to prepare us for.

The Return of Nibiru. Appleby quotes the Washington Post (30/12/83), and Newsweek (13/7/87), that Nibiru (“a heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter”) has been spotted by the IRAS satellite in the direction of Orion and, says Appleby, is due to “become visible to Earth and appear as a new star, sometime between 2012 and 2036 ”. However, it is now near the size of the Earth, since it broke in two, as described in Babylonian myths, (this somewhat contradicts the NASA statement about it being the size of Jupiter!) Thus, any cataclysms as it comes close to Earth again, will be less severe than previous ones. The websites covering Nibiru are many and varied - here are 4 that say it will return in 2012:

Apollonius; Nibiruan Council; Hidden Mysteries; Phoenicians

An Akkadian cylinder seal, showing an extra planet. C. 1996. Alan Alford/Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz Vorderasiatisches Museum Enlargement of akkadian cylinder seal. Adapted from The 12th Planet. C. 1976. Zecharia Sitchin

An Akkadian cylinder depicting the solar system as the Sumerians knew it, including an extra planet - Nibiru.

1= Sun; 2= Mercury; 3= Venus; 4 = Earth; 5 = Moon; 6 = Mars; 7 = Nibiru; 8 = Jupiter; 9 = Saturn; 10 = Pluto (previously a .satellite of Saturn); 11 = Uranus; 12 = Neptune, according to the research of Zecharia Sitchin

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Images of All Crystal Skulls

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The 13 Crystal Skulls Mystery

One of archaeology's most compelling mysteries is that of the 13 Crystal Skulls. Skulls have been one of the most powerful objects of symbolism in human history, all over the world. Several "perfect" crystal Skulls have been found in parts of Mexico, Central and South America. Together, they form a mystery as enigmatic as the Nazca Lines, the Great Pyramids and Stonehenge.

These skulls are believed to be between 5000 and 35000 years old. During early expeditions, archaeologists were told by locals that the skulls possessed magical powers and healing properties. However, people were unsure as to where they came from, or even why they existed. Some like to believe that these were remains from the lost civilization of Atlantis. Others like to believe these are fakes. And yet another group of psychics believe that these skulls have the capability to enable us to look into the past, present and future.

Historians and social anthropologists decided to find out more about the strange skulls. Very soon, they came across an ancient Indian legend saying that there had been thirteen crystal skulls of the Goddess of Death; they had been kept separately from each other under the strict control of pagan priests and special warriors.

Searches for more skulls started; some of them were found in museums and some in private collections not only in the USA, but in Mexico, Brazil, France, Mongolia, and in Tibet. There were more than 13 skulls found. However, not all of them were as perfect as Mitchell-Hedges- was. Very likely, those were just later attempts to create something similar to the original skulls that were believed to have been gifts by God to the people.

The very construction and make of the skulls defies common logic. There are several crystal skulls in existence today around the world.They are :-
  • The Mitchell - Hedges Skull
  • British Crystal Skull and Paris Crystal Skull
  • Mayan Crystal Skull and Amethyst Skull
  • Ami Crystal Skull
  • Aztec Skulls
  • Rose Quartz Crystal Skull
  • ET Skull
  • Texas Crystal Skull
  • Synergy Crystal Skull
  • Mahasamatman Crystal Skull
  • Sha-Na-Ra, Jaguar Man and the Rainbow Skull
  • Amar Crystal Skull
  • Smithsonian Crystal Skull
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What is a Crystal Skull ?

Scientists believe that the world is over 4 billion years old. Anthropologists state that Homo Sapiens date back as far as 500,000 years. Although natural quartz crystal has been part of the Earth since before the dawn of time, it is believed to have been used by man only during the last 12,000 to 15,000 years.

Nowadays, quartz is the key component in many of our modern technologies, including telecommunication devices and computers. Without quartz, there would be no way to program the computer; you would not be able to store any memory and most importantly, it would be impossible to retrieve any information. One small chip can hold thousands of photographs, songs, movies, books, data, etc. Just imagine what could be stored in a piece of quartz the size of a human head!

Ancient man may not have had computers as we know them today, but it is believed that they were familiar with the information-storing properties of quartz and therefore made use of a lasting receptacle that would be able to record, store, and transmit data for eternity. These "ancient computers" are the crystal skulls that we are rediscovering today.

Rather than storing precious information for mankind in an ordinary piece of quartz that could have been lost in time, the ancients chose to store their wisdom in a receptacle shaped like a human head. These would be used in many rituals and ceremonies, and passed down from generation to generation. In the same way that our human skull protects and holds the brain, a crystal skull is a mind-like container that holds a generational library of knowledge - from ancient history to a blueprint of possible futures.
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

100 Items That Disappear First in a Disaster

HOLLY NOTE: This list was first assembled by Joseph Almond prior to Y2K and it is still valid to consider these as "extremely desirable items" in the event of nearly any disaster.

I'm sure most of you have seen this list....it's been around since Sarajevo was in Civil war...that's when it was constructed....but it's been refined to cover most any disaster....and evolved throu several bad ones...a 2012 type scenario may be overwhelming to this list....but the list works pretty well for the regional disasters we've seen of late....

100 Items That Disappear First in a Disaster
It's been at least a decade since this list was compiled; prices noted below will have increased.

1. Generators
(Good ones cost dearly. Gas storage, risky. Noisy...target of thieves; maintenance, etc.)
2. Water Filters/Purifiers
3. Portable Toilets (Increasing in price every two months.)
4. Seasoned Firewood
(About $250 per cord; wood takes 6 - 12 mos. to become dried, for home uses.)
5. Lamp Oil, Wicks, Lamps
(First choice: Buy CLEAR oil. If scarce, stockpile ANY!)
6. Coleman Fuel
(URGENT $2.69-$3.99/gal. Impossible to stockpile too much.)
7. Guns, Ammunition, Pepper Spray, Knives, Clubs, Bats and Slingshots
8. Hand-Can openers and hand egg beaters, whisks (Life savers!)
9. Honey/Syrups/white, brown sugars
10. Rice - Beans - Wheat
(White rice is now $12.95 - 50# bag. Sam's Club, stock depleted often.)
11. Vegetable oil (for cooking)
(Without it food burns/must be boiled, etc.)
12. Charcoal and Lighter fluid (Will become scarce suddenly.)
13. Water containers
(Urgent Item to obtain. Any size. Small: HARD CLEAR PLASTIC ONLY)
14. Mini Heater head (Propane) (Without this item, propane won't heat a room.)
15. Grain Grinder (Non-electric)
16. Propane Cylinders
17. Michael Hyatt's Y2K Survival Guide
(BEST single y2k handbook for sound advice/tips.)
18. Mantles: Aladdin, Coleman, etc.
(Without this item, longer-term lighting is difficult.)
19. Baby Supplies: Diapers/formula/ointments/aspirin, etc
20. Washboards, Mop Bucket w/wringer (for Laundry)
21. Cook stoves (Propane, Coleman and Kerosene)
22. Vitamins (Critical, due to Y2K-forced daily canned food diets.)
23. Propane Cylinder Handle-Holder
(Urgent: Small canister use is dangerous without this item.)
24. Feminine Hygiene/Haircare/Skin products
25. Thermal underwear (Tops and bottoms)
26. Bow saws, axes and hatchets and Wedges (also, honing oil)
27. Aluminum foil (Reg. and Heavy Duty)
(Great Cooking and Barter item)
28. Gasoline containers (Plastic or Metal)
29. Garbage bags (Impossible to have too many.)
30. Toilet Paper, Kleenex, paper towels
31. Milk - Powdered and Condensed (Shake liquid every 3 to 4 months.)
32. Garden seeds (Non-hybrid) (A MUST)
33. Clothespins/line/hangers (A MUST)
34. Coleman's Pump Repair Kit: 1(800) 835-3278
35. Tuna Fish (in oil)
36. Fire extinguishers (or.. large box of Baking soda in every room...)
37. First aid kits
38. Batteries (all sizes...buy furthest-out for Expiration Dates)
39. Garlic, spices and vinegar, baking supplies
40. BIG DOGS (and plenty of dog food)
41. Flour, yeast and salt
42. Matches ("Strike Anywhere" preferred. Boxed, wooden matches will go first.)
43. Writing paper/pads/pencils/solar calculators
44. Insulated ice chests (good for keeping items from freezing in Wintertime)
45. Work boots, belts, Levis and durable shirts
46. Flashlights/Light Sticks and torches, "No.76 Dietz" Lanterns
47. Journals, Diaries and Scrapbooks
(Jot down ideas, feelings, experiences: Historic times!)
48. Garbage cans Plastic
(great for storage, water, transporting - if with wheels)
49. Men's Hygiene: Shampoo, Toothbrush/paste, Mouthwash/floss, nail clippers, etc
50. Cast iron cookware (sturdy, efficient)
51. Fishing supplies/tools
52. Mosquito coils/repellent sprays/creams
53. Duct tape
54. Tarps/stakes/twine/nails/rope/spikes
55. Candles
56. Laundry detergent (Liquid)
57. Backpacks and Duffle bags
58. Garden tools and supplies
59. Scissors, fabrics and sewing supplies
60. Canned Fruits, Veggies, Soups, stews, etc.
61. Bleach (plain, NOT scented: 4 to 6% sodium hypochlorite)
62. Canning supplies (Jars/lids/wax)
63. Knives and Sharpening tools: files, stones, steel
64. Bicycles...Tires/tubes/pumps/chains, etc.
65. Sleeping bags and blankets/pillows/mats
66. Carbon Monoxide Alarm (battery powered)
67. Board Games Cards, Dice
68. D-Con Rat poison, MOUSE PRUFE II, Roach Killer
69. Mousetraps, Ant traps and cockroach magnets
70. Paper plates/cups/utensils (stock up, folks...)
71. Baby Wipes, oils, waterless and Anti-bacterial soap
(saves a lot of water)
72. Rain gear, rubberized boots, etc.
73. Shaving supplies
(razors and creams, talc, after shave)
74. Hand pumps and siphons
(for water and for fuels)
75. Soy sauce, vinegar, bouillons/gravy/soup base
76. Reading glasses
77. Chocolate/Cocoa/Tang/Punch (water enhancers)
78. "Survival-in-a-Can"
79. Woolen clothing, scarves/ear-muffs/mittens
80. Boy Scout Handbook – 12th Edition
(also, Leader's Catalog)
81. Roll-on Window Insulation Kit (MANCO)
82. Graham crackers, saltines, pretzels, Trail mix/Jerky
83. Popcorn, Peanut Butter, Nuts
84. Socks, Underwear, T-shirts, etc. (extras)
85. Lumber (all types)
86. Wagons and carts (for transport to and from open Flea markets)
87. Cots and Inflatable Mattresses (for extra guests)
88. Gloves: Work/warming/gardening, etc.
89. Lantern Hangers
90. Screen Patches, glue, nails, screws, nuts and bolts
91. Teas
92. Coffee
93. Cigarettes
94. Wine/Liquors (for bribes, medicinal, etc.)
95. Paraffin wax
96. Glue, nails, nuts, bolts, screws, etc.
97. Chewing gum/candies
98. Atomizers (for cooling/bathing)
99. Hats and cotton neckerchiefs
100. Goats/chickens
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Mayans Myth and Reality

Myth and Reality

Archaeologists excavating the temples and pyramids in the village of Tahtzibichen, in Mérida, the capital of Yucatán state, said the oldest item they found was a 1,900-year-old vessel. Other uncovered earthenware and sculptures dated to A.D. 750 to 850.

"There are stones, huge columns, and sculptures of priests in the caves," said de Anda, whose team has been working on the Yucatán Peninsula for six months.

"There are also human remains and ceramics," he said.

Researchers said the ancient legend—described in part in the sacred book Popul Vuh—tells of a tortuous journey through oozing blood, bats, and spiders, that souls had to make in order to reach Xibalba, the underworld.

"Caves are natural portals to other realms, which could have inspired the Mayan myth. They are related to darkness, to fright, and to monsters," de Anda said, adding that this does not contradict the theory that the myth inspired the temples.

William Saturno, a Maya expert at Boston University, believes the maze of temples was built after the story.

"I'm sure the myths came first, and the caves reaffirmed the broad time-and-space myths of the Mayans," he said.

Underworld Entrances

Saturno said the discovery of the temples underwater indicates the significant effort the Maya put into creating these portals.

In addition to plunging deep into the forest to reach the cave openings, Maya builders would have had to hold their breath and dive underwater to build some of the shrines and pyramids.

Other Maya underworld entrances have been discovered in jungles and aboveground caves in northern Guatemala Belize.

"They believed in a reality with many layers," Saturno said of the Maya. "The portal between life and where the dead go was important to them."

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The Watery Graves of the Maya

On the third day it was my turn to test God's vigilance, letting the metal chair plop me down into the cool pond like a piece of bait. Treading water, I adjusted my eyes to the moonlight of the cave. The cenote was shaped like an old Chianti bottle—a narrow neck leading to a wide chamber about 90 feet (30 meters) across and 120 feet (40 meters) deep. The bottle was half full, the water surface 35 feet (11 meters) below the domed ceiling. Stalactites dripped, and the roots of trees were spread on the walls in delicate dark webbing. Spanish records tell how live victims were thrown into the sacred cenote at Chichén Itzá, a major Maya city, on the premise that, as sacrifices to the gods, they would not die—even though they were never seen again. I scanned the slick limestone walls, and my heart pounded, feeling their terror.

Sinking deeper into the white noise of pressure, I bottomed out at 50 feet (20 meters) and glided across piles of shattered limestone. A side cave, shaped like a sock, spun down and off to the west. Resting in the sand was a mahogany-hued skeleton, already tagged, the eye orbits of its skull bleak with expectations of eternity.

A few days later the National Instutute of Anthropology and History scientists brought him up. It was the first skeleton of its kind—with all its bones in their natural positions, undisturbed—ever found underwater in the Yucatán. He was a large man, perhaps 50 years old, well past the Maya life expectancy. "His health was bad," said Terrazas after examining the bones, "with arthritis so severe that he could barely flex his hands. He had terrible teeth problems—gingivitis—and he probably had a very hard time chewing."

He was lying face up on the sand. Was it an accident? "No," said Terrazas. "There are nine skeletons down there [eight are partial]. Maybe one is there from an accident, but not nine."

When the car winch pulled up the bones of the old man, the three women who had made quesadillas for us the previous night were standing by the well. I asked them what they thought of our mission. "We didn't expect skeletons," said one, Olegaria Chiku. "For us, a cenote is just a hole with water. But my mother lived around here, and she said that we needed to give the cenote 15 virgins, and God would open up a road to bring in the gold that we know is down there."

Until the 1960s many people, including many archaeologists, thought virgins were the only individuals whose stories had ended in the cenotes. "We learned then that they were not all young girls," said Carmen Rojas, the underwater archaeologist who oversees data processing for the survey project. "And now we know that they were not all sacrifices."

Source: Priit J.Vesilind
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Mayan “Highway to Hell” Discovered

Mayan legend, as described in their sacred book named the Popul Vuh—”tells of a tortuous journey through oozing blood, bats, and spiders, that souls had to make in order to reach Xibalba, the underworld”.

In a cave recently found near Mérida, the capital of Yucatán State in Mexico, researchers have discovered a 90-meter paved road that ends at a column standing in front of a body of water. Within the same cave are walled off rooms, an altar and a submerged temple.

Did they build within the cave first, and the legend of Xibalba followed later? Or did the discovery of the cave validate the existing legend? These are questions puzzling researchers. But there is no doubt that these caves, currently full of water, were used for Mayan rituals.

A labyrinth filled with stone temples and pyramids in 14 caves—some underwater—have been uncovered on Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, archaeologists announced recently.

The discovery has experts wondering whether Maya legend inspired the construction of the underground complex—or vice versa.

According to Maya myth, the souls of the dead had to follow a dog with night vision on a horrific and watery path and endure myriad challenges before they could rest in the afterlife.

In one of the recently found caves, researchers discovered a nearly 300-foot (90-meter) concrete road that ends at a column standing in front of a body of water.

"We have this pattern now of finding temples close to the water—or under the water, in this most recent case," said Guillermo de Anda, lead investigator at the research sites.

"These were probably made as part of a very elaborate ritual," de Anda told National Geographic News in August. "Everything is related to death, life, and human sacrifice."

Stretching south from southern Mexico, through Guatemala, and into northern Belize, the Maya culture had its heyday from about A.D. 250 to 900, when the civilization mysteriously collapsed.

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Future World Maps

Proposed By Len & Lori Toyes
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Mayan Prophecies and Calendar - Part 2

Jose Arguelles gained notoriety for his role in the Harmonic Convergence on August 17, 1987 and his mystical book about the Maya calendar, The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology. Born of Mexican-American descent, the Mayan calendar became a childhood passion for him in the 1950s during the decade in which astronomers began to realize that Native Americans practiced a sophisticated astronomy. After more than 30 years of research, he is known as one of the world's foremost authorities of the Mayan calendar.

The overwhelming evidence of Mayan prophecy in the last decade of the millennia supports the accuracy of the calendar and the Arguelles' interpretation of the Dreamspell and Time Shift of July 26, 1992. After perceiving the final sequencing of the Mayan calendar in 1987, the Time Shift in 1992 was an adjustment of the annual calendar's beginning to July 26, so that the Dreamspell New Year falls on that date each year.

Since the Maya codices were destroyed during the European Conquest, the tables of dates and interpretations of codes were mostly destroyed. During the 500 years since the Conquest, Mayan tribes have adopted various new year dates and interpretations. In 1992, the University of Guatemala identified the July 26 date based on an eclipse of July 11, 1991 and theDresden Codex. Arguelles interpreted that date as the new beginning of the solar year.

In 755 AD, Mayan Priests prophesied that the total solar eclipse of July 11, 1991 would herald two life altering events for humankind - Cosmic Awareness and Earth Changes. Shortly after 1:00 PM, on July 11, 1991, the prophecy seemingly began to unfold.

Beneath the eclipse that the Maya had labeled 'The Sixth Sun', a silvery disc shaped object hovered silently above Mexico City. 17 people, unknown to each other, in different locations of Mexico City, videotaped the UFO. This sighting became the earliest most documented mass sightings in history. For months, teams of international researchers from the U.S., Mexico, and Japan followed a wave of UFO activity that connected with the volcano, Mount Popocatepetl. Sightings still continue.

Based on the July, 1991 eclipse, Jose identified the July 26, 1992, Time Shift. Using a day-by-day count, Euro-American astronomers could finally synchronize their calendars with the Maya Priests. The visitors from the sky that Jose called the Galactic Maya in The Mayan Factor, had perhaps made good on their promise to return on that date.

These are all just theories.


In 2009, a History Channel presentation of "Decoding the Past", discussed the last page of the Dresden Codex. If you understand the metaphors, you will get the messages.

"The last page of the Dresden Codex shows the destruction of the world via water. Waves gush from the mouth of a celestial dragon. More flood waters pour from sun and moon symbols on the underside of the monster's body. An aged goddess also pours flood water onto the Earth. At the bottom of the picture crouches a ruler of the underworld. Above the picture, about half of the 15 glyphs have been destroyed, but a few of the remaining ones consistently refer to "Black Earth" or "Black on High"."
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Mayan Prophecies and Calendar - Part 1

There were 3 Mayan Calendars: Haab', Tzolk'in and Long.

The Mayan Long Calendar speaks of the end of one cycle of time moving into the next on December 21, 2012.

The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar is a non-repeating, vigesimal (base-20) calendar used by several Mesoamerican cultures, most notably the Maya. For this reason, it is sometimes known as the Maya (or Mayan) Long Count calendar. Using a modified vigesimal tally, the Long Count calendar identifies a day by counting the number of days passed since August 11, 3114 BC (Gregorian). Because the Long Count calendar is non-repeating, it was widely used on monuments.

Among other calendars devised in pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica, two of the most widely used were the 365-day solar calendar (Haab' in Mayan) and the 260-day ceremonial calendar, which had 20 periods of 13 days. This 260-day calendar was known as the Tzolk'in to the Maya and tonalpohualli to the Aztecs.

The Haab' and the Tzolk'in calendars identified and named the days, but not the years. The combination of a Haab' date and a Tzolk'in date was enough to identify a specific date to most people's satisfaction, as such a combination did not occur again for another 52 years, above general life expectancy.

The Tzolk'in, the most fundamental and widely-attested of all the Maya calendars, was based in the 26,000-year cycle of the Pleiades, and was a pre-eminent component in the society and rituals of the ancient Maya. The tzolk'in calendar remains in use amongst several Maya communities in the Guatemalan highlands. Its use is marginal but spreading in this region, although opposition from Evangelical Christian converts has erased it from some communities.

The word, meaning "count of days", was coined based on Yukatek Maya. The corresponding words in the K'iche' and Kaqchikel cultures of Guatemala, which have maintained an unbroken train of observance for over 500 years, are, respectively, Ajilabal q'ij and Cholq'ij. The actual names of this calendar as used by the pre-Columbian Maya are not known. The corresponding Postclassic Aztec calendar, probably based on extinct central Mexican observance, was called by them tonalpohualli, in the Nahuatl language.

The Maya used several cycles of days, of which the two most important were the Tzolk'in, or Sacred Round of 260 days and the approximate solar year of 365 days or Haab. The Sacred Round combined the repeating cycle of numbers 1-13 with 20 day names ... so that any particular combination would recur in 13 x 20 or 260 days; the day name and the number changed together: 1 Imix, 2 Ik, 3 Akbal ... as we might say Monday 1, Tuesday 2, Wednesday 3, and so on.

Because the two calendars were based on 365 days and 260 days respectively, the whole cycle would repeat itself every 52 Haab' years exactly. This period was known as a Calendar Round.

To measure dates over periods longer than 52 years, the Mesoamericans devised the Long Count calendar.

The Long Count calendar identifies a date by counting the number of days from August 11, 3114 BC. Rather than using a base-10 scheme, like Western numbering, the Long Count days were tallied in a base-20 scheme. Thus is equal to 25, and is equal to 40.

The Long Count is not consistently base-20, however, since the second digit (from the right) only counts to 18 before resetting to zero. Thus does not represent 400 days, but rather only 360 days.

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13 Moon Calendar

The 13-Moon Calendar integrates the 260-day Galactic Spin cycle, where every day is a unique "Galactic Gateway." Each day's energy is a specific combination of one of the 13 Tones of Creation and one of the 20 Solar Seals (Tribes). The Tone and Tribe's energies can be expressed as distinct code words which form an affirmation for contemplation, activation, and revelation. Based on the Galactic Gateway of your birthdate, you can determine your "Galactic Signature," a key into your Divine design, central to your life's destiny.

Decode your birth date here
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White Brotherhood

More recent direct communications from the Ascended Masters of the White Brotherhood have confirmed that the Earth would be changing and evolving on a scale beyond precedent. It is time for the Earth to rejoin the other planets in the Solar System, which long ago evolved to Fifth Dimensional consciousness and beyond. The Earth needs this for her own evolution, as well as for the needs of the entire Solar System to itself grow and evolve. Human beings are invited to undertake this great journey also - provided they are willing to go through the required process of Attunement to the new Spiritual Design.

The current foundation belief of contemporary mankind that the Earth exists primarily for the human species will be replaced by the balanced perspective that humanity is a valued participant on Earth when appropriately Attuned to Spirit and fully respectful of all living kingdoms and their inhabitants.
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Master Kuthumi (KH) : 2012

KH's Illustrated Red Letters (and a recent update) that survival of the physical events of 2012 is a matter of personal choice, because the necessary warnings, organisation, and the knowledge of how to survive and thrive will all be in place. Although the consequences of the Earth returning to a near vertical angle of inclination and the Moon taking up a new orbit around the equator will be vast in terms of water movement, human survival will be dependent upon focused group endeavour in designated relatively safe areas. Co-operation will be the centerpiece of consciousness, where now self-centredness tends to predominate.

KH continues: "To all whom now face 2012 with understandable trepidation but also, it is to be hoped, with a degree of positivity and a sense of adventure, I say this: remember the power of Love. Just as the Sun draws from the stellar worlds and distributes to the planetary world, so a man with his heart open can draw from the higher realms and distribute to the kingdoms on Earth. He can draw in all that he needs to strengthen his Spirit so that he can form a relationship with this physical world which is one of responsibility, respect and cooperation. Then he will lose his fear of death in his love for life and in the recognition of opportunities and human possibilities. He aligns with the reality that the etheric body of the planet will only accomodate human beings who have an open Heart Centre.
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Revolution 2012

The paramount choice for humanity is the extent to which we individually change and adapt to the new realities in each remaining year up to 2012, including our re-integration of the Divine Feminine into all aspects of society. This new Spiritual reality of a true balance between Divine Feminine and Masculine enables the essence of Feminine Spirituality to penetrate all aspects of Human society, bringing to prominence the qualities of nurturing, the receptive, the creative, the all-encompassing, the ongoingness of life, the high valuation set on depth of insight and truth. This can open the door to a consistent State of Grace permeating all aspects of a person's life, but it is up to each individual to consciously open that door and step through it.

Each of us depends critically on the flow of Spiritual Light through our beings for the very sustenance of life in our physical bodies. As the wavelengths become more and more refined , there is less and less life support for individuals in traditional third dimensional modes of living. This seemingly harsh reality lends considerable urgency to the need to attune at a Heart level to the evolutionary requirements of this Spiritual Design, through the Winter Solstice 2012. After this point, there will be no Spiritual life-support for individuals without Fifth Dimensional consciousness. Staying on the Earth will no longer be a viable option for them. Their evolutionary path will naturally take them to new lives on other planets in the Universe which are still at third or fourth dimensional levels. There they will find a new home which matches their current vibrational and evolutionary needs.

This is truly a wake-up call so that all of us, who love the Earth and wish to stay onboard, can complete the necessary inner work of Attunement with Fifth Dimensional consciousness and the release of prior karmic patterns. The good news is that there is , and will continue to be, much support available for individuals learning to function at these higher levels of consciousness. The opening of the Heart Centre, coupled with a strong inner commitment, will be an essential step for individuals to Attune with and tangibly live these higher vibrational realities. The explicit re-admittance of the Divine Feminine to a full participation in all humanity's activities and realities will be a critical element in the softening of all aspects of Earthly life. If one knows the broad outline and general direction of the changes, one can more readily place the unfolding events in a meaningful context. Preparations can be made for riding the evolutionary wave instead of being submerged by it. Plans can be altered thoughtfully in measured response to various manifestations of Nature's events.
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American Indian and Maori tribal Elders : 2012

Richard Boylan Ph.D reports consistent ancient prophecies revealed by the Sioux, Hopi, and Lakota Elders which are about to manifest. They foresee the transition from the current pattern of "civilisation" to a radically different way of living. Along with Spiritual teachers from the Maoris, they point out that these radical changes take place every several thousand years and are so profound that they are referred to as "passages to a new world".
Boylan goes on to describe an important new occurrence - a wide spread series of contacts with human individuals by various extra terrestrial cultures. They bring a message that "We are not alone" and that our rightful place is participating in the larger cosmic family of intelligent people spread across the Universe.

He found common themes within all these sources of the re-emergence of the Divine Feminine in balance and harmony with the Divine Masculine as well as the need for each individual to make a conscious choice to be part of the New World.
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Gray Eagle

Celia Gunn forwards the information from the Yukon Territory of the Pacific North West about the moving and heart-felt message of Purification from Gray Eagle. He explains that the message of Purification from the Creator is telling us all that end-times are near. The return of two brothers that helped to create Earth Mother together with the Morning Star, will start to return Earth Mother to her natural rotation. This has been shown for ages in many petroglyphs within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids, as well as within inscriptions on many rocks and bones.

Gray Eagle went on to describe that with this time of purification on Earth Mother, all life as humans have known it will be changed. There will be messages and messengers that will preceed the Morning Star dance. These feelings and messages are for those on Earth Mother who understand the old ways and the teachings of Creator and Earth Mother. The feelings and messages will be found in the rocks, within their sacred grains and in the waters. Creator will issue a great light - things will change in their manner of being - every living thing will be offered the opportunity to change.

Those that have returned to the old ways, those that understand the original teachings, will live and walk in a natural way and will not be harmed by the coming of the Morning Star dance. They will survive and work together to purify and help each other rebuild Earth Mother.

Many will appear to have lost their souls in these times. So intense will be the nature of changes, that those who are weak in Spiritual understanding will not maintain their balance of thinking, for their walk was nothing without faith. Those empty in faith will have no life force in their eyes or balance in their actions. People will disappear, for they were only hollow vessels for the darkness to use. Things will be so dark and out of balance in the cities that many will choose to leave.

Only those who return to the values of the teachings of the old ways will be able to find peace of mind and balance during this purification. Many things will begin to occur with people that will not make sense, for reality will be shifting in and out of their dream time. There will be many paths to the lower world that will open at this time. Things long forgotten will come back to remind people of the past creations. All living and forgotten things want to be present for the great day of purification when the forever cycle of Earth Mother starts. The people will receive many warnings allowing them to change their paths, warnings from below the Earth Mother. Then one morning in a moment, the purification will awaken. Nothing living will go untouched. The way through this time can be found in your heart and reuniting with your soul: getting simple and returning to living with Earth Mother in harmony with all creations, people remembering that they are the caretakers of Earth Mother.

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Hopi Indians : 2012

Blue Star shares the message of Hopi Grandfather Martin that the Mayan and Hopi prophecies all have the same sequence of events and their associated timeline. Grandfather Martin advises people who are awakening to:

follow their hearts and to live in complete truth
move locations without fear if the feeling is strong
be aware of the coming Earth changes and learn to use and trust their own intuition.
plant and grow our own food and prepare to live without electricity, bring Spirit back into our lives more and more each day and help each other consistently. Start each day with a prayer and pray with strong feeling. Watch all our thoughts and keep them all positive. Live in peace with ourselves and those we live with. Avoid letting fear into our lives and learn to love it all and be happy with what we have.
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Mayans : 2012

According to Carlos Barrios in his book "Kam Wuj, El Libro del Destino", the Fourth World, of a highly materialistic nature, finished on 16th August, 1987, the day of the Harmonic Convergence. At that point, the world entered a time of major transition, during which there is a colossal global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and on-going Earth changes. This in-between period will continue until the Winter Solstice 2012. It will be a time of rebirth, the beginning of the Fifth World, a new era when people live in harmony with Mother Earth, a time of fusion and integration of Life and Light. (Similar and consistent understandings have been shared by Hopi and other American Indian Elders, along with Eskimo "Grandparents").

The Mayans explain how the entire solar system orbits around Alcyone, its "Central" star of our galaxy, yet Alcyone is far from the actual Galactic Centre. It takes the solar system 26,000 earth years to complete each orbital cycle around Alcyone. This orbital cycle can in turn be divided into five sectors of 5,200 years, with each sector representing an "age" or "world".

At the Winter Solstice of 2012 both the 26,000 year and the 5,200 year cycles are completed prior to the birth of the new cycles and a new world. The alignment of Earth, Sun and Alcyone with the actual centre of the Galaxy at this time will allow a momentary but massive ray of Galactic Light to illuminate, purify and energise the Earth and its life forms. This will permit and facilitate our movement to the next dimensional reality, a quantum leap for those individuals who have made the choice to prepare themselves for this major transition. The Mayans indicated that the scale and nature of this leap is the first such occurrence in human evolution.
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Beyond 2012 ?

Over the centuries, many people on their individual Spiritual paths have yearned for a Golden Age when their dreams of a well-functioning, harmonious, and mutually loving world would truly be present. For so long it has seemed that it would always remain in the abstract or in the mythical stories of the Golden Ages of ancient civilisations. Now, in this extraordinary time period of 2006-2012, the promise of fundamental change is coalescing at last. The challenge for each individual is to find their way forward to being part of the New World and actually participate in that continuous joy and harmony for so long searched for and dreamed after.

The purpose of this article is to show the substantial common ground between the prophecies and forecasts coming from the Spiritually attuned Elders of various indigenous peoples with more recent information coming through Master Kuthumi's Red Letters and "The Revolution of 2012". When similar accounts and descriptions of world events come forward from such diverse sources, it behoves us all to sit up and take notice! Let us look briefly at each source in turn.
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